Krasimira Todorova
Krasimira Todorova is a psychologist and psychotherapist in Varna and Shumen with over 18 years of experience. She conducts individual and family psychotherapy for adults, as well as consultations and psychotherapy for children and adolescents. She performs psychological assessment.
Krasimira has experience in working with children with impaired development, children who have experienced abuse, as well as children and adolescents with deviant behavior, anxiety and emotional-behavioral disorders. In her psychotherapeutic work with adults, she works with topics such as depressive symptomatology, anxiety disorders, panic attacks, psychosomatics, existential crises, personal development, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc.
She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology in 2003 and a Master's degree in Social Psychology at the Sts. Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo in 2005. Certified Positive Psychotherapist and Cognitive Behavioural Counsellor since 2008.
She conducts consultations in Bulgarian.
Conducts consultations online and in person in Varna.
Introduction to group supervision and conducting intervision in social work with children;
Psychological support for survivors of domestic and sexual violence;
Starting and managing a hotline for child survivors of abuse;
Cognitive therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder;
Cognitive techniques in problem solving;
Focus on solutions: counseling and therapy;
Member of the Society of Positive Psychotherapists in Bulgaria;
Member of the Board of the Association ''Center for Psychosocial and Spiritual Support Spodelenost''