Kalin Georgiev
Kalin Georgiev is a psychologist and psychotherapist. He works individually and with groups. Throughout the year he conducts and organizes a number of trainings and courses, including:
creative groups "Sand Mandala"
body awareness courses, lectures and trainings
therapeutic group "The Power of Contact"
the "Introduction to Gestalt Therapy" group
personal experience group "How to be more resilient in life"
the lecture "Inner resilience - from survival to thriving" for the "Freedom to be" festival
lectures and seminars "Introduction to Psychosynthesis"
seminars for men "The Way of Man"
teambuildings, etc.
The subjects that Kalin works with are: feelings of heaviness and dissatisfaction in life; low self-esteem, self-confidence and self-worth; feelings of emptiness, lack of meaning and direction in life; aggressive outbursts and conflicts; tensions and difficulties in starting and maintaining relationships; sadness due to departure from work, loss of love, separation from a loved one; emotional dependence on partner, parents, loved ones; worries and anxieties; painful experiences and memories; fears and panic attacks; stress at work; feelings of loneliness, despair and depression; apathy and lack of motivation; difficulty expressing and connecting with masculinity and male identity; indecision and lack of trust in life and others; negative and vague body sensations of a non-medical nature.
Conducts sessions in Bulgarian.
Conducts online and in-person sessions in Sofia.